4 Ways to Mentally Prepare for the Season

I am one of THOSE coach's wives who gets super into my husband's job.
I LOVE game day, I love getting to know the players my husband works with, I LOVE having them in our home, I love getting together with other coach's wives, I love talking to the parents of the kids my husband is recruiting, I love going CRAZY in the stands when we stop a 3rd down or make an interception or score a touchdown. I love getting to live this life!
But sometimes...I don't love it. Sometimes I have a negative attitude as we are nearing the first day of fall camp. Sometimes I get frustrated with the late nights and no days off for my husband that come with this coaching life. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with all the time I know I need to put into my coach wife duties on top of my full time job(s).
I think the hardest part of being in season, though, is the weeks before it even gets started. When it's the end of July and we have had some great time together that summer (even if he is still working through it), but knowing what's coming. The anticipation of what's to come gets to me every. year.
As much as I try to tell myself, "Don't think about that yet. Just enjoy the time that you have together right now," it still gets to me.
And to be honest, it probably always will.
Maybe that's where you are right now. Or maybe your sport isn't in season right now you are getting to spend that precious time with your husband as you read this. Regardless of if this is your crazy time of year, your off-season, or you make jokes about off-season because is there ever truly an "off-season?" I think we can all relate to that little bit of dread that comes creeping along as we approach that time of year that we know is going to be crazy.
As I write this, I am in that place right now- where my husband has already started on those late nights and our players report for camp in less than a week.
If I'm being honest, I'm in that place of dread right now. But here is how I deal with it.
1. I try to become really productive.
I make a list of all the things I can get done in that time that I was spending with my husband in the summer. Maybe we can't go play golf in the middle of the day anymore, but I could start making some cookies to prepare for all those treat bags I make for our players for away games. I realize that I finally have time to do that DIY project that's been on my to-do list all summer. I go to the pool to read and soak up the last bit of summer that I still have. Basically, I try to keep buys so I'm not just thinking about what I'm missing out on, but I'm getting done the things that I've been meaning to do.
2. I make more time for the other relationships in my life.
I try to make lunch or coffee dates with the friendships I have. I might also invite some of those friends to go to the pool with me! And ya know who also might be experiencing some of these same things as we near the season? Your fellow coach wives! The coach wives on our staff try to plan a few things like this sine we are all in the same boat with this time of year.

3. I keep in mind all the positives that come with being in season.
What are those things that you LOVE about your husband's job and being in season? Think about those things!
I try to think about the excitement of game day, getting to know our incoming freshmen, anticipating an awesome record and the excitement that comes with that. I also kind of like the structure that comes with getting back into the groove of things for both my husband and myself.

This was one of my favorite memories from last fall.
Getting to walk one of our players down for senior day.
4. I choose to trust God and trust my husband.
I know that God called my husband to be a coach. I believe that is what he was put on this earth to do.
I also know that my husband doesn't just know that he is called to coach, but is also called to his family. So I need to trust that my husband will continue to prioritize our family even during a busy season. Our relationship is never put on hold during the season and I would never consider myself a "football widow." We still make time for each other, even if that time together is more limited. And I try to keep that in mind as I am preparing for that time of year.

God has never let us down before, and I know He will not start now. Even in the worst of circumstances. When God calls us, he also equips us. I need to remember that my husband has never not prioritized our family before, and I know he will not start now.
Trust is a big thing in marriage. But it's not limited to faithfulness and keeping promises. It's trust that they will continue to choose you, no matter how busy life gets. I have to continue to trust that my husband will still be a good husband, no matter how busy the season may become.
Can you relate to any of these feelings as you are nearing the season? Are there other things not listed that help you prepare for it? Then drop a comment below and I would love to hear about it!