Living the Coach Wife Life
Several years ago, when my husband and I were only dating, I thought it would be great if someone started a support group for coaches' wives. Because no one understood the life like another wife/fiance/girlfriend. That was around 5 years ago when I became fully immersed in the duties and time my boyfriend at the time was dedicating to the game of football.
"You were at work HOW LATE? Doing FOOTBALL?"
I didn't get it yet. None of us really do. But when you get it, you get it and come to accept it. How do we respond?

Most of us are pretty independent to begin with, but when you are in a relationship with a coach you learn you HAVE to become independent. Whether you dive into your career, your hobbies, fitness, or your children, you do it whole-heartedly and eventually the #coachwifelife becomes the only life you know and you wouldn't have it any other way.
You begin to both look forward to and dread the upcoming season. You look forward to it because of how fun the games are, the potential of having a great season, and the comraderie of the wives. You dread it because you will once again have to get used to eating dinner alone and get back into the groove of the season again.
During my time of being with a coach there has been one thing that has helped me the most on those days you just want the season to end because you miss him or are just tired of doing life on your own. That one thing is the support of other wives in the same boat as me. They are the only ones who know how we feel and can relate. It helps us feel as though we are not alone- both on the journey of coaching and in the emotions that come with it.

So here I am, 5 years into our coach life adventure, providing the support I so desperately needed through this blog. I hope you find what you are looking for here. I hope you feel supported and know you are not alone in the feelings you have. If you need support, ask for it. We can't do this alone and I don't want to even try.
Thanks for being here :)

(this was us when we were dating long-distance. David was the Wide Receivers coach at Avila University in Kansas City, MO and I was finishing up my undergraduate degree)